Location: Florida City, USA
Date: 8 – 10 December 2023
What can I expect?
Welcome to our event celebrating the power of regenerative agriculture, homesteading, and sustainability! Our theme this year is Planting the Future: Cultivating Resilience through Succession. Here, we’ll explore ways to use what we’ve already got to be healthier and more adaptive. The aim is to encourage, educate, and inspire through an immersive weekend filled with hands on learning from community experts. Whether you’re a seasoned permaculturist or simply curious about practical ways to live more sustainably, you’re sure to find inspiration and practical tips at our event. Let’s come together to learn and grow as we discover the amazing power of permaculture.
Friday starts off with a bamboo building competition. Gather your troops we are building an arbor. You and your team will have until 5:30 pm to complete an arbor made from bamboo so plan on getting to the event early. Each team will have the same amount of material to use and we encourage you to bring items such as fabric or lights to further embellish your entry. We will have a show & tell just before dinner and the winner will be announced. Pricilla Black an architect with a passion for bamboo building will be facilitating the build and helping with any questions.
Saturday is our Earthskills village featuring six villages each featuring multiple demonstrations. The villages include Creative (natural building & art), Economics (the business of growing – how to sustain yourself and your family through permaculture), First Aid (wilderness first aid, medicinal gardens, how to make basic first aid medicines), Plants & Propagation (growing, syntropic farming, grafting, seed saving, and more), Homesteading (blacksmithing, tool care, wood working, fermenting, and bee keeping), and Social (Non-violent Communication, interpersonal relationships, managing conflict).
Sunday we focus on right plant right place. We will learn about natives and permaculture favorites as well as how to grow and use these beauties. This includes a plant swap.
As always we will include music, yoga, farm to table meals, and the famous trade blanket. Follow our social media to get all the updates on schedules and presenters. This year we are adding a sustainable art gallery and as always a weekend pass gets you free vending.
Fri, Dec 8 -10, 2023, Floral City, FL
Skills Village will be a all day event Saturday featuring a village full of small skills classes all day.
Camping will be in nature with lots of options both semi secluded and together with others. You will likely be able to pick a fresh citrus just feet from your tent.
Communal Food Kitchen – (This Year with 3 Diffrent themed Kitchens)Everyone shares by bringing food and skills to share equally in a communal kitchen of abundance. Click here for more on the food.
Learn– For our main learning session we selected voices in the community on a wide range of subjects. Featured Voices Click here
Carpool – Click here to sign up your car or find a ride
Sign a Waver Now!- Before the event every person must fill out a waver -CLICK HERE-
What to bring list – CLICK HERE
Volunteering: We ask Everyone to set aside at least one hour at the event to volunteer in the kitchen, event setup or take down. For people who want to go beyond that we have a limited number of work trade positions you can apply for CLICK HERE