The Permaculture Convergence Project is a celebration of all the different permaculture convergences around the world with opportunities for convergence organisers to learn from their experiences.
Here we capture the history of permaculture convergences world wide as well as provide support to convergence organisers in the form of digital tools, branding and marketing services, funding and grant writing services and consultation services to help you be as successful as possible in furthering permaculture into the world.
Meet The Team
Core Team
Xavier Bruzaud-Grille
Xavier is a Permaculture teacher, holding a Permaculture Design Certificate from The Permaculture Institute, taught by Geoff Lawton in 2014, and completed an Advanced Permaculture Teaching Course taught by Robyn Clayfield. He’s also a core member and co-founder of the International Permaculture Convergence Council and a co-organizer of The Permaculture Convergence Thailand. He’s a full-time artisan slow-baker and a delicatessen food producer. He is an experienced and trained group facilitator using Sociocracy and NVC, an advocate and activist for open source, open engineering, and Engineering for Change. His key people inspirations and mentors are Graham Bell (RIP) and Robyn Clayfield. He’s an active member of the International Permaculture CoLab and a service provider for the Digital Circle.
Aimee Fenech
Aimee is a Permaculture teacher, holding a Permaculture Design Certificate from the Permaculture Association Britain, taught by Aranya and Klaudia Van Gool. She’s is also co-founder of Eco Hacker Farm and a project manager and regen agri-food farmer at Finca Verde where Permaculture principles are applied on a day to day basis. She is an experienced group process facilitator and public speaker, an advocate and activist for open source, open knowledge and passionate about her work. She’s an active member of the International Permaculture CoLab, co-founder and service provider within the Funding Circle and project manager and service provider for the Digital Circle.
Service Partners
Digital Circle Services
The Digital Circle provides branding and design, web hosting, development and design, app development, ethical tech consultation services and tech support.
Funding Circle Services
The Funding Circle provides, grant matching, grant writing, project management, financial administration and fiscal hosting services.
Permaculture Impact
The Permaculture Impact team can help you to evaluate your project or event, and provide support to understand and communicate its impact.
Allied Network Partners
International Permaculture Collaborative Laboratory
Research Partners
Convergence Research Team
We are open to collaborating with you!
As a permaculture convergence organizer / organizing team you may run into problems others have already solved. If you cannot find what you’re looking for here or would like to talk to a human you are very welcome to request a meeting with one of our core team members.
Support Our Work!
You can support our work by making a donation here.